Colin Fieldhouse - Maths

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AIM High Maths

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Age range KS1 and KS2
Books No
DBS Checked Yes

+44 (0)1535 656015


Colin Fieldhouse is a primary teacher with a wealth of maths and computing experience, from teaching in Hull, Leeds and Bradford and delivering training to teachers and PGCE students.


About Colin
During his years in teaching, Colin has been part of the KS1 Numbers Count program, developed a primary Computing and Online Safety curriculum, he also delivers training in Computing and Online Safety to Newly Qualified teachers and has delivered workshops to PGCE students at Sheffield Hallam University.

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Colin’s AIM High Maths Days

Colin offers sessions aiming to stretch computational and mathematical thinking for KS1 and KS2 pupils in pairs or threes.

Key Stage 1 sessions are all about discovering and using maths in the world around us and how maths is being used every day. A variety of scenarios will be given to the children in which they have to use and extend their mathematical knowledge and vocabulary, aiming at the highest level. The children will be setting up and running a shop, investigating how far a car can run on a certain amount of fuel, building towers in a city and investigating the construction of triangles amongst other activities.

In Key Stage 2 the use of practical and engaging problems, activities and puzzles will extend and refine their skills in mathematical reasoning, language and problem solving. Talking and explanation will be the driving factors of the day and discovering new things that they will want to show and explain to others.

To book Colin Fieldhouse please contact the A.I.M. High Team