Cassandra Wye - Writing

Cassandra Wye

AIM High Writing

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Age range Primary
Books No
DBS Checked No

+44 (0)1535 656015


Cassandra Wye originally trained to work as a Psychologist – but ran away to the circus instead!


About Cassandra
At circus school, Cassandra studied storytelling, physical and street theatre and whist working with an Asian Dance Company she discovered how stories could be told through the body and voice together so that a tale could be seen and heard.

In 1991 Cassandra created her own company - Stories in Motion, which draws together her training in circus, dance and physical theatre to create vividly vibrant and physical storytelling performances that fizz with energy, exuberance and enthusiasm. Her unforgettable and unmistakeable approach brings stories and audiences alive, across languages, across ages and across cultures.
Stories in Motion has taken Cassandra Wye around the globe storytelling, from Barbados to Borneo, from the depths of the rainforest to the roof of the world, working with cosy community celebrations and on the streets with audiences of 1000’s.


Cassandra’s AIM High Writing Days

Storytelling is an ideal tool for developing communication – in any medium! Drawing on Cassandra’s extensive experience around the globe using storytelling to enhance oral and written communication in EAL children- this workshop will guide participants through the process of collaborative storytelling in order to enhance their self-confidence and enrich their communication skills – oral, physical, visual and written.

Using sound and word games, movement improvisation, map-making, visual art and script-writing – students will gradually progress from one word activities to sentence construction to creating an original collaborative version of the story heard.

Terrified Teller workshops are available:

As half day sessions for Reception and Year One.
Full day sessions for Years One and Two; Three and Four; Five and Six:

Ideal for: EAL children, children struggling with language difficulties and communication disabilities; children struggling with social skills and lacking self-confidence, children struggling with written communication.

Processes Used: One word Games; Movement Improvisation; Voice Projection exercises; Verbal and Non-verbal Story-making activities; Visual story-mapping; Script-writing, Collaborative group, partner and solo work.

Requirements: A large room; Portable tables for drawing activities; A3 and A4 paper, pencils and pens

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To book Cassandra Wye please contact

Cassandra also offers visits to schools and other settings, click here for more information.