Booking an author can seem tricky at first but we are here to guide you every step of the way.
Age groups and sizes
We cater for all age groups and group sizes. We have a wealth of speakers who are able to work with very large groups at a time. We also supply artists who work with class sized groups for writing workshops, or small groups for detailed illustration or writing classes. We provide authors who can be booked for hour long slots, a day, or up to week long residences in your school. Please ask a member of the Authors Abroad team for a list of suggestions tailored for your requirements.
We keep our fees affordable. They do vary from author to author, but please get in touch to find out more.
Special requirements
We want your day to run as smooth as possible so if there are any special requirements be sure to let us know in advance of the day. We will do our best to make sure your requirements are met.
Book signing
We offer free book signing. Most visitors bring books with them on the day of their visit and are happy to personalise copies for the children.
Say hello
We are big fans of reading but we like talking too. Fill out the form below and someone from our team will be in touch.
(*Required Field)
2–4 Briggate
West Yorkshire
BD20 9JT
General Office +44(0)1535 656015
AIM High Team
Trish: 01535 279844
Laura: 01535 279846
Kim: 01535 279845
UK Visits Team
Yvonne: 01535 279850
Julie: 01535 279851
Kylie: 01535 279856
Overseas Visits
Robin: 01535 279853
Finance and Books
Lisa: 01535 279854
Joelle: 01535 666714
Caboodle Classroom
Caboodle Books
Our representative in the E.U for product safety is;
Authorised Rep Compliance Ltd, 71 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin, D02 P593, Ireland