Guy Tansley - Science

Guy Tansley

AIM High Science

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Age range KS1 and KS2
Books No
DBS Checked Yes

+44 (0)1535 656015


Guy has been keeping and breeding exotic insects for over 40 years and brings his enthusiasm and knowledge of the subject to his workshops


About Guy
Guy has travelled the world to  study the  habits  and  habitats of insects, spiders, snakes and more. 

Having travelled from rainforest to desert, he can tell you first hand about the sights and sounds of these magnificent places and the amazing creatures that live there.

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Guy’s AIM High Science Days

Guy’s Science Days will vary depending on the year groups he is working with at the time. They will all be tailored to tie in with current National Curriculum and help the children learn through lots of practical activities.

Rain Forest Workshops
The workshop starts on the rain forest floor, looking at the creatures that live in the leaf litter. This is supported with cockroaches, millipedes and beetles. This will cover life cycles, food chains, defence and habitats, explaining how each creature fits into it’s layer like a piece in a jigsaw.

They then move up through the layers of the forest using frogs, spiders, tailless whip scorpions, mantids, stick insects, leaf insects and finally a snake, looking at camouflage to catch your food i.e. the mantis and camouflage to stop yourself becoming food i.e. stick insects.

Also used during this workshop are forest artefacts including; giant seed pods, co-co pods, a full-size caiman head, a native blowpipe and a three metre rock python skin.

During the workshop Guy covers how the creatures help to maintain the balance of the forest, breaking down the leaf litter so the roots of the trees can take up the nutrients, thus grow more leaves and more fruit. This then falls to the ground creating more leaf litter and hence the cycle repeats. All this is powered by the sun.

Mini Beast Workshops

This is usually aimed at the younger children and is more ‘show and tell’.

Guy covers colour, texture, locomotion i.e. if it lives in water, it swims. If it lives in trees, it climbs and its body will be adapted to these environments.

All the rainforest workshop animals will be used, but Guy will also have geckos and a  blue-tongued skink named Darlo!

The artefacts will again be available in a supporting role for this workshop.

To book Guy Tansley please contact