Hazel Large - Maths

Hazel Large

AIM High Maths

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Age range KS1 and KS2
Books No
DBS Checked Yes

+44 (0)1535 656015


Hazel Large is an experienced teacher and freelance primary mathematics consultant, who is passionate about mathematics teaching and learning using practical resources in an engaging and fun way.


About Hazel
Hazel has 30 years experience of working in primary schools, as a local authority mathematics consultant and tutoring on the Mathematics Specialist Teacher programme. As a freelance consultant she has worked with Capita/National Strategies and has supported a range of local authorities, academies and schools around the country.

Hazel holds an NCETM Continuing Professional Development Standard and is an approved NCETM Professional Development Accredited Lead.

Hazel has written and had published with TTS, a range of practical mathematics resources for use both in the classroom and the outside environment.

More information about Hazel can be found at her website – www.4theloveofmaths.com


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Hazel’s AIM High Maths Days

Hazel’s aim is to ‘bring maths to life’ for students and regularly runs a range of maths experiences for schools.

Her AIM High days involve a range of age appropriate activities. The focus is predominately on problem solving and using and applying mathematics with a challenging but fun road show of activities. The day usually starts with a little bit of 'Maths Magic' but students also get the opportunity to work collaboratively with game playing and paper folding activities. Throughout the day there are opportunities for students to think, reason and communicate mathematically.

Hazel is also happy to run sessions for 'reluctant' mathematicians or tailored days for individual schools.

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To book Hazel Large please contact