Kate Williams - Writing


AIM High Writing



Age range EYF - Y8
Books Yes
DBS Checked No

Contact Keeley
+44 (0)1535 656015


Kate is a children’s poet based in Cardiff, Wales. She has contributed to numerous children’s poetry anthologies, as well as to national curriculum material.


About Kate
Her poetry zooms up close to all sorts of subjects from all sorts of angles, through a rainbow of tones and moods and often with underlying humour too. Her aim is to set minds ticking and imaginations roaming, while ensuring that her poems are accessible and meaningful to youngsters. She employs rhyme, rhythm, riddles and wordplay, as well as colourful, vivid imagery, to draw in her readers and share with them the fun and fascination of poetry.

Kate is keen to lift poetry off the page at every opportunity, with the help of art, music, movement and drama and encourages this approach in her workshops. She was involved heavily in an innovative project, in which school children prepared a bonanza of poems with which to festoon Caerphilly Castle, as part of the Arts Olympics celebrations in 2012.

Kate has provided nearly 2,000 workshops for children of all ages and abilities and is a tutor for the Aim High writing programme.

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Kate’s AIM High Writing Days

Kate centres each event on a topic, such as Space, Castle, Ocean or Jungle. Through the day the group explores its offerings from all sorts of angles, through an interesting assortment of imagination and language stretching approaches. Their adventures lead them through a variety of poetic techniques, experimenting and building as they go, with plenty of opportunities for all to read out and celebrate as they go.

Kate introduces her topic with multi-faceted inputs, including thought-provoking picture displays, entertaining artefacts, acting-out, and brain-storming challenges, together with humorous comments, hints of mystery, and a support poem or two of her own, to enthuse minds, spur creativity, and demonstrate the wonders of poetry. Idea-sharing also plays a major role in their venture through the day.

Kate aims to keep everyone on board, involved and working at their personal best at all times, while appreciating that ability levels will vary. She offers a kick-off poetry frame for the first piece, encouraging writers to develop their own ideas or veer off as they wish.

They round off the day with ad hoc group performances, planned and produced by the children themselves, with accompanying actions, dance, percussion… you name it!

Books including Kate’s Work

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To book Kate Williams please contact Keeley

Kate also offers visits to schools and other settings, click here for more information.