April Artist of the Month – Chris Bradford


Our April ‘Artist of the Month’ is author Chris Bradford

About Chris Bradford.

Chris Bradford is the multi-million copy selling author who practices ‘method writing’.

For his award-winning Young Samurai series, he trained in samurai swordmanship and earned his black belt in Taijutsu. For his Bodyguard series, Chris completed a close protection course to become a qualified professional bodyguard.

His 3 million plus selling books are published in over 25 languages and have garnered more than 35 children’s book awards and nominations, including the Carnegie Medal and the Red House Children’s Book Award). For more info, visit www.chrisbradford.co.uk

What a visit from Chris Bradford entails

No ordinary author talk…

Chris Bradford is renowned for his unique and dynamic performances that combine interactive readings, audio-visual material and martial arts displays designed to encourage even the most reluctant readers to read!

He offers shows for Years 2-9 on his book series.

You can read more about Chris and his school visits here


Interview with Chris Braford

How did you first get interested in writing?

Prior to becoming an author, I was a professional musician and songwriter. I wanted to be a rock star! So I never imagined I’d end up being an author. But through my music, I was given the opportunity to write a book on songwriting (Heart & Soul: Revealing The Craft of Songwriting) and this led to more books on music, which led to getting an agent, and ultimately to coming up with the idea for Young Samurai.

Where do you get your ideas from?

Inspiration comes from my own life and my travels to different countries around the world.

The initial idea for Young Samurai developed from the fact that I began learning martial arts at an early age and I have always dreamed of what it would be like to be a true samurai. Jack Fletcher is also based on a real foreign samurai called William Adams.

The Bodyguard series was sparked by a single line on a radio station that ‘the best bodyguard is the one nobody notices’ and I thought that a teenager would make the perfect unexpected bodyguard.

Do you have a favourite series or book you have written, or do they all hold a special place?

That’s like asking if I have a favourite child! All my books are special to me, but the one that will always stand proud is Young Samurai: The Way of the Warrior. This book started my journey as an author, has taken me around the world on multiple tours and inspired countless children in the love of reading.


How much research is required for your books? Are you Mastermind specialist subject level due to the prep work you do for your fiction books?

I always research heavily for my books in order to bring authenticity to the stories.

When anyone asks me how long it took me to write Young Samurai, I say two months to actually write it (very fast!); three weeks researching and exploring Japan; six months reading books about samurai and ninja; and twenty years martial arts. All this knowledge then goes into the writing of the story.

For my new Lunar and Stellar books, I was keen to go into space. The closest thing I could get to it was Tom Hanks’ Moonwalkers show in London!


You trained as a samurai swordsman to bring authenticity to your Young Samurai books. What was this process like and is it a hobby you have kept up?

Martial arts has been part of my life since 8 years old, so my knowledge of samurai and ninja skills naturally forms an important part of my writing. In particular, it allows me to describe battle scenes in true detail, so that the reader really believes they’re participating in the fight and taking the punches!

This knowledge also allows me to interweave the philosophy of martial arts into the storyline, so the reader learns about the importance of bushido, ‘the way of the warrior’ – the moral code of the samurai which includes respect, honour and courage.

I currently train in Muay Thai kickboxing.

Your shows are very popular and interactive. For schools who aren’t lucky enough to have seen you in action yet, what can they look forward to if they book a visit with you?

Action! Surprises! Inspired readers!

My shows are very different to most authors, featuring lots of interactivity with the audience and a unique insight into the process of research and writing through samurai sword displays, bodyguard protection techniques and interstellar space skills, including defying gravity!

What is your favourite thing about visiting schools?

Inspiring young people to read… especially turning around those who are most reluctant to pick up a book. If I can convince a non-reader to become a reader, then I’ve achieved my goal #gettingkidsreading

What has been your most memorable moments from a school visit?

The look on teacher’s faces when I pull out the samurai sword and ask for volunteers to hold a piece of paper to be cut!

Also, returning to schools and meeting students from the previous visit who have been inspired by my books to read on.

Why are author visits so important for schools? What impact can they have?

Author visits turn non-readers into readers. They generate excitement for reading and send a hugely positive message about books, libraries and role models. A good author visit is remembered by students for years afterwards, their positive impact lasting throughout their lives. A single book can change a person’s life prospects!

What advice would you give teachers and librarians to help create a culture of reading at their school?

Role model good reading. The D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) initiative is the most effective and consistent approach I have experienced in all the schools I visit.

Back this up with an inspiring author visit and the culture of reading is born!

You mainly visit schools as part of your tours with us, does all this travelling mean you are very good at directions and geography? What has been an area you have visited that left a lasting impression?

I rely heavily on Google Maps! Plus, as I’m regularly asked to revisit schools on my tours, the routes are often familiar.

Every school I visit leaves a lasting impression, but the most memorable tour was crossing the peak district during the snow storms of March 2018. I managed to reach every school for my events… unfortunately every school decided to shut because of the snow!

I left my mark though – see photo! (snow sword)


How long does a book take to create from writing to publishing on average?

The whole publishing process can take from 1 to 2 years on average.

What advice would you give to someone who would like to have a career as a writer?

My three tips would be:

1) Write and read lots. Continually feed your creative side.

2) Every day try to do something that will help your writing career. It can be as big as writing a full chapter; or as small as finding out the name of the editor at a publishing company.

3) Write the story you would love to read yourself. If you get excited by it, then others will too.

Illustration legend Korky Paul delivered the art work for your Jake and Jen series. What was it like collaborating with him? Do the authors share their ideas or let the illustrators take the lead?

Collaborating with Korky Paul was a dream come true. His style is so unique. He is very easy to work with. As the author, I supply the suggestions for the pictures based on the story that I have written and he brings them to life!

Which children’s author do you admire?

Tom Palmer – he is a great guy all around, a fabulous writer and has worked so hard to inspire the love of reading in young people.


What do you read for pleasure?

Either children’s books such as Lockwood & Co by Jonathan Stoud, or motivational books such as LIMITLESS by Jim Kwik


Which fictional world do you wish you could visit?

Jack Fletcher's world of young samurai in Japan! I would love to train in the sword under Masamoto.


What are you working on the moment?

The second book in my new GUARDIAN series (KIDNAP will be out 2025) – a spin-off to the million-copy selling BODYGUARD series. Think ‘Bodyguard meets Alex Rider’!


If you could be a famous person’s bodyguard for the day, who would you choose?

Dua Lipa – I simply love her music and it would be the best way to see her concerts. But let’s hope the tour doesn’t turn out like TARGET in my Bodyguard series.

Quick Fire

Prefer to be able to fly or turn invisible?

Fly Away! I love the freedom of it.

Starter or dessert?

Dessert – always! Too much of a sweet tooth.

Board games or computer games?

Board games – I like to be sociable.

What is scarier:  a knee high rhino or a gerbil the size of an elephant?

A gerbil the size of an elephant! I’ve seen elephants and they’re BIG!

Would you rather have a trip to space or the deep ocean?

SPACE! That’s where my new books Lunar and Stellar are set and my new show is interstellar!

If you were Prime Minister for the day, what law would you introduce?

That every school should have a fully-funded library and a librarian!


Arrange for Chris Bradford to visit your school

To make an enquiry about Chris Bradford, please contact us as follows

UK visits

Email: julie@caboodlebooks.co.uk
Or contact her on - 01535 279851

Overseas Visits

Or contact Overseas Manager, Robin - +44(0) 1535 279853