December Artist of the Month – Stephen Waterhouse

Stephen Waterhouse profile.jpg

We caught up with author and illustrator Stephen Waterhouse for our December 2019 interview.

About Stephen Waterhouse

Stephen is an Illustrator and Author and has been working for Children’s Book Publishers in the UK, USA, Europe and recently China for 21 years. He has visited over 350 schools where he talks about what inspired him when he was a child and aims to inspire and help pupils gain confidence with drawing and works with them to create their own characters, artwork and books. He has also taught Illustration, Drawing and Visual Communication at Loughborough University since he graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Illustration in 1998. He has written a series of books for Bloomsbury about a family of Penguins called the ‘Get Busy’ series and more recently illustrated pop-up books in the form of a World Atlas, a City Atlas and a People Atlas for Templar/Bonnier Publishing. He has also illustrated the Divine Chocolate Advent Calendar for 13 years. Stephen has loved drawing and creating artwork since he was about 6 years old and was inspired by Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake, Star Wars and the Simpsons.

What a visit from Stephen entails

Stephen offers a full school assembly where he talks about what inspired him and shows his pop-up and picture books, character development, posters, original artwork and sketchbooks. He then works with the children and helps them to gain confidence in creating their own original characters, storyboards and artwork.

Feedback from Stephen’s previous visits

“Stephen is not just an amazing illustrator, but a natural teacher as well. He inspired all the children at our school to produce the very best work they could during his visit. Stephen taught the pupils that, with hard-work, determination and a love of what you do, anyone can become a great artist, illustrator or story-teller.”

St Paul’s Primary School, York

“The pieces you created are lasting memories and images the       children will have. So a huge thank you! Your artwork is simply amazing and will capture all our children's attention, together with parents and all in the community who come through our doors! It's been great working with you!”

 Headteacher,  St Matthew’s Primary School

“Thank you for an amazing visit to WRPS! Your assembly was exciting and included everyone. We loved looking at your published books! The class workshops were lots of fun and gave the children a chance to show off their creative skills. Please come and visit us again soon!”

Year 6 Teacher, Wrotham Road Primary School


Read about Stephen and his author visits on his author page here


Interview with Stephen Waterhouse

When and why did you join Authors Abroad?

I joined Authors Abroad earlier this year in June 2019. I have been organising my own school visits for 21 years and recently became aware of the great work which the team do at Authors Abroad. I thought it would be great to partner up and see what we can achieve together firstly in UK schools and then hopefully abroad. I’ve only done one international school visit which was to Muscat in Oman in January which was an amazing experience, so I hope to have the opportunity to visit more international schools in the near future.

Do you find it easier to tell a story through words or images?

I have always found it natural and easier to tell stories through images since I was very young. I remember when I was about 6 years old I really enjoyed drawing lots of characters and pictures from Roald Dahl books, Star Wars and from Cartoons and animations on TV. My book ideas now seem to just develop from drawings of characters and landscapes and the words then come later. This is something which I try and show during school visits and I try to help the children create drawings and we then talk about adding words to them.

Do you think living within the Yorkshire landscape has helped with artistic inspiration?

Yes! I love Yorkshire, I was born here in 1976, I love the rolling green hills and the four seasons. Yorkshire has always been a source of constant inspiration and imagination, especially in North Yorkshire where I live now. Some people may say that living where it’s ‘grim up north’ for 40 plus years has made me dream of the colourful landscapes such as the amazon rainforest and the vibrant colours of India and Morocco for example…which may be true! Actually when I go for a walk with my dog Ruby I am always inspired by the range of incredible wildlife and I like to think of new characters, landscapes and worlds all the time!

Does working on all of your atlases give you the travel bug?

Yes! Sat at my desk for say 6 to 10 months researching every country in the world and creating hundreds of drawings and paintings really does at times make me wish that I was experiencing those places and cultures for real! I get itchy feet so I do try to go and see new places when I finish a big job. This year I have been lucky enough to see Barcelona, Muscat in Oman and St Ives in Cornwall…..all very different places from each other but all just wonderful in their own ways!

What impact would you like to have on students when you visit their school?

I would like to think that I somehow inspire them and help them to gain more confidence in being able to put ideas in the form of drawings down on paper without worrying so much about it. Also it’s very important to show that there are so many jobs and careers within Art & Design.

What is your favourite thing about visiting schools?

Visiting a new school always feels very positive as the pupils and staff are always so enthusiastic and have lots of great ideas and also great questions. I like to think that I can make a difference in helping the pupils open up their imaginations and show them that lots of things are possible through drawings and ideas.

How does it feel knowing so many schools/libraries have long lasting art work and murals by you on display?

It makes me feel very proud to have been able to work with the pupils, staff and schools to produce collaborative pieces of artwork which will last for many years to come. The artworks are full of ideas, imagination, invention, fun and colour so I hope that following years of pupils can also be inspired.

When did you develop an interest in art. And (as someone who can barely draw stick men) is artistic ability something you believe people are born with, or a skill people can develop?

It’s a bit of both in my experience. Artistic ability is a skill which people certainly can develop if they feel passionate about it. I don’t think I was born with an ability to draw, I just discovered that I enjoyed it when I was 5 or 6 years old. When I saw people who were very skilled at it, either other pupils in my classes at school or someone drawing on TV I was just mesmerised and thought it was like magic! I then developed a passion and a hunger to be as good as these people and that drove me forward. So I practised and practised and I was lucky to have the support of my Mum and Dad and Grandparents, friends and family. Having a positive support network is so important for anyone to be able to nurture and develop a particular talent or skill.

If on a visit a student manages to produce a drawing better than yours would you be proud of inspiring such genius or a tad taken aback?

I am constantly in awe of how children can draw and just be themselves……and to be honest it doesn’t take a lot for someone to create a better drawing than mine. Children have no inhibitions when it comes to expressing their ideas and just draw honestly. Someone always draws better that me when I visit a school. I try to highlight any gifted and talented pupils who excel at drawing, ideas or image making. I don’t think I can take credit for inspiring such amazing drawings but it’s great to discover the talent of the future, the next generation of artists and designers.

How did you get involved with the Fair Trade advent calendars? Is it a fun project, who gets to pick the design for the front each year and does it mean you have to start thinking about Christmas in the summer time?

Divine Chocolate contacted me in the autumn of 2006 with the idea of commissioning me to design their new Chocolate Advent Calendar. Up to this point I had only done one Advent Calendar which was for UNICEF but it wasn’t chocolate filled so this was a very exciting opportunity. Plus Divine were a growing Ethical and Fairtrade company and the Cocoa Farmers from Ghana in West Africa own 44% of the company. Each year they send me a brief with the main elements in which are the Nativity, Fairtrade Farming, the chocolate making process ‘from bean to bar’ as they call it….plus a European Christmas market atmosphere with families. I then do several small drawings and work closely with the Product Development team to develop a different looking design each year. I usually start the design process a year in advance, so right now I’m working on next years Calendar 2020. And finally YES designing the Calendars is a really fun project and I look forward to it each year. I am thrilled that they keep wanting to work with me and I am now designing their 14th Calendar!

What do you do to relax?

I go for a run or a walk with my dog Ruby, she is a highly energetic Cocker Spaniel!! I enjoy relaxing with Pizza and watching a film or going to a gallery or the theatre……plus reading too.


Quick Fire

Paperback or Kindle?

Actually Audiobook as I can carry on working and immerse myself in the world of a book, yet still be able to draw and paint at the same time! But then to answer your question….Paperback!


Paint or ink?


Would you rather be able understand any language or speak to animals

Definitely speak to animals!!!!! That would be amazing!!

Who is the best Mr Man or Little Miss character?

Mr Happy!  But if I’m honest probably ‘Mr Messy’ as he is the character who most closely resembles me!  I am told my studio is a constant ‘mess’….but I like to think that this is organised creative chaos!

Would you rather explore space or the deep ocean?

Great question and very difficult to answer. I would really love to see the earth from space and see other planets……but the deep Ocean has some incredible sea life and I would love to venture down there in a submarine! probably the deep ocean first.

If you were Prime Minister for the day, what law would you introduce?

I’m not sure about a law….but I would introduce a ‘National Drawing Day’ or a ‘National Painting Day’ to bring people together and help them to share ideas and stories. Although in terms of thinking about the environment and the planet I would introduce something like ‘No Pollution Day’! So this would be a day where the world just stops and people relax and walk …..the law for this day would be NO cars, transport, planes etc. This would mean no work…..perhaps a new National Holiday!

Stephen's  advent calendar for 2019.jpeg

Above: Stephen’s advent calendar for 2019.  

Arrange for Stephen Waterhouse to visit your school

To make an enquiry about Stephen, or any of the other authors, poets & illustrators listed on this website, please phone Trevor Wilson on +44 (0) 1535 656015, or email him at