Kev Payne - Writing
AIM High Writing
Age range KS1 and KS2
Books Yes
DBS Checked Yes
+44 (0)1535 656015
Kev is an author, illustrator, poet and primary school teacher. He was inspired to become a writer through his own teachers at school who gave him a real love of learning, reading and writing.
About Kev
His first book, ‘B is for Blobfish’, was inspired when planning a science lesson and features a wide range of unusual and unloved animals. Alongside illustration, he writes stories, poems and creates animations and interactive games.
As a primary school teacher for over 17 years, Kev is well-rehearsed and adept in providing a range of workshops which are ideal for KS1 & KS2. As both a writer and a passionate illustrator, he is able to provide a combination of writing and illustrating which really engages the children in the whole creative process and really make writing come alive.
A man of many talents, Kev is also a ukulele player, town crier and Punch and Judy professor so can offer schools a wide range of opportunities. Kev come with bags of energy, ideas and love to help bring learning to life!
Kev’s AIM High Writing Days
Typical poetry workshops would start with a performance by Kev, followed by individual and group work by the pupils and a Q&A.
In the poetry workshops, the children can expect to:
study of different poetry forms exploring pattern and rhyme
focus study on one type of poem
explore ideas / stimulus for writing poems
write their own poems
learn the introduction to cartooning with Kev
illustration exploration
illustrate their own poems
In the non-fiction workshops, the children can expect to:
view an interactive presentation about animals from his book ‘B is for Blobfish’ to introduce non-fiction writing
engage in a fact finding exploration using a range of sources
learn how to write non-fiction examples using templates provided by Kev
explore sources and gather facts
write and illustrate their own fact pages
present their findings and idea
A Selection of Kev’s Books
To book Kev Payne please contact
Kev also offers visits to schools and other settings, click here for more information.