Rob Parkinson - Writing



AIM High Writing

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Age range All Ages
Books Yes
DBS Checked Yes

Contact Keeley
+44 (0)1535 656015


Rob has visited literally thousands of schools to perform and to lead workshop sessions.


About Rob
Rob has made various appearances on national TV and radio, chaired the Society for Storytelling in the mid nineties, ran a story club and edited a storytelling magazine. His publications range from poetry and stories for children to fiction for adults, self-development texts and books about the many practical uses of stories and metaphor plus several CD’s of stories, music and songs.

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Rob’s AIM High Writing Days

Rob’s inspiring AIM High workshops combine storytelling and music into story making and writing in fun ways, showing how the two connect and complement each other and featuring some of the imaginative tale telling/making techniques he has pioneered and written about in his much-praised books.

It’s an approach that has the important extra advantage of bringing pupils from different schools or groups together in creative talk activities around stories before and after writing, improving group atmosphere a lot – children have a very good social time together as well as learning and being inspired to write, a feature that has been particularly helpful for groups drawn from different schools.

Days typically start with an exciting short performance from Rob, featuring some of his fascinating and unusual ancient and ethnic instruments and his entertaining and imaginative storytelling style. This introduces a story pattern around which pupils will shape their own tales during the day – material ranges from (for example) ancient wonder tales to bardic fantasy yarns, from fairy tales to fables, from urban legends to traditional tall tales, depending on themes agreed in advance.

Structured talk activities follow – from fantastic fibs, to spinning out the yarn etc. Children improvise and develop stories around plots, then pass them on in various ways one-to-one and/or in small groups, always being encouraged to talk to pupils from other schools. Rob illustrates how stories grow naturally from small beginnings, through asking and answering the right questions.

Focusing down on writing a story, Rob provides guide sheets for shaping stories and talks writers through planning their tales – from more familiar logical /sequential ways, to some unusual imaginative, holistic methods. He also illustrates ways of starting stories, making effective descriptions and otherwise elaborating a basic plot. Children then plan and later write their own stories in their own way and style – from ancient to modern to futuristic, with guidance as necessary at each stage. The focus is on creating a coherent and interestingly shaped narrative inspired by the example plot. In a final sharing session, willing students are able to present their tales to each other. (Some schools choose to make this session a presentation to other classes or a whole school assembly.)

Several set themes are available (Adventure Stories; Wishes Three; Voyages of Exploration; Family Fantasies; Fabulous Fables; Fantasy Quests; Tall Tales & Likely Legends etc.) and special themes may be developed through discussion in advance of the day. Themes suit Y 5 & 6 groups that are the most common age range for AIM High days, but also can be adapted to suit younger (Y2 to 4) and older (Y 7, 8 & 9) groups.

Full notes for adults attending give a clear guide to procedures in the workshop; shorter notes are also provided for children for most workshop sessions.

A Selection of Rob’s Books

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To book Rob Parkinson please contact Keeley

Rob also offers visits to schools and other settings, click here for more information.