Fall in love with poetry this February
A lot has happened recently and we have faced tough times. It has been a particularly disruptive time for young people who have had their routines changed beyond recognition with schools shut and socialising banned.
Whether to keep a young person in your life involved in literacy this February half term when they can’t pursue their usual hobbies, or giving the gift of poetry this valentines day, we have a huge selection of books for children and young people. Poetry is our speciality.
1. Poetry helps build early literacy skills. Rhyme, rhythm, and sound are emphasized in poems.
2. Poetry helps kids develop their memory and brain power
3. Poetry encourages kids to play with language and words. When reading poetry, they hear how words can be moved and stretched to rhyme, and when they write poetry, they’re doing the same!
4. Poetry helps emerging readers. Often, emerging readers are not as intimidated when reading poetry because many poems are short and sweet. The rhyme helps with figuring out words, as does the rhythm.
5. Poetry, especially in songs and rap (check for parental advisory), is great for reluctant readers. When kids realize that songs and rap are forms of poetry, they’re often all of a sudden interested in reading!
6. Poetry gives all kids an outlet for sharing their thoughts, ideas, and feelings -- especially tweens and teens.
7. Poetry is fun! Poetry is FUNNY!
Huge thanks to Scholastic for this list of why poetry is so important.
Check out a selection of a dozen poetry books for all ages below.
You can have any of the books autographed by the poet with a message written in and the recipients name for no extra cost. However - if you simply wish to buy an unsigned book then we will ship them all together from our offices, so if you are buying multiple copies we can offer discounts/free postage. If you would like an autographed copy then it will be posted directly from the poet so postage is liable on each item.
All books are £5 plus postage each, except the picture book (A-Z of completely made up dinosaurs below) which is £6 plus postage.
Rhyming Picture Book
Dinosaurs are pretty strange, right?
With their weird names and funny looking features. Well, what if you could join two dino trackers (and their dino dog) on an adventure full of the strangest, weirdest, funniest-looking dinosaur ever?
It’s a book that’s 50% dino doodles, 50% prehistoric poems and 100% COMPLETELY MADE UP!
Books for upper primary and secondary students from Rap Poets.
Many young people claim to not enjoy poetry, or not ‘get’ poetry. A visit from Karl or Rob often changes that as they hear rhymes and sentiments they can identify with from someone they can relate to. Beautiful and thought provoking books that will make a lasting impression on the reader and be treasured until adulthood.
Rhythm and Poetry (otherwise known as RAP) is by Hip Hop artist and poet Karl Nova. The beauty of rap lyricism and Hip Hop influenced poetry is displayed with wit, humour and positivity. His approach is to meet young people where they are and engage them with the style and attitude they are familiar with. This collection reflects on his journey of growth from childhood to adulthood through the lens of Hip Hop culture.
Karl was the first ever poet to win the Ruth Rendall award for outstanding services to children’s literature in 2020. This, his debut book, won the CLiPPA prize for children’s poetry in 2018.
Have you ever thought about what it means to get older? Or if your nose is too big? Or why girls cry all the time?
Rob Bradley is a poetic rapper who has spent his whole life writing rhymes. In this new collection of raps and poems he gives you seven reasons to do the same. It’s about accepting who you are, finding a story in every moment, and looking at things form a different angle.
As long as there are fascinating, strange or scary things in the world, there are always reasons to write rhymes.
Funny Books for primary school students to KS3.
Who isn’t in need of a giggle right now? Funny rhymes, silly stories and laugh out loud nonsense guaranteed to raise a smile and a chuckle even in these uncertain times.
Have you ever covered a baby in ketchup?
Have you had to sit on the naughty step?
Have you got a magic bike?
Have you ever swallowed a fly?!
Kev Payne, has. Join him as he presents a collection of over 50 poems about sausages, school, science, balloons, long car journeys and exactly what teachers are thinking when they are stood up at the front.
“Sock it to me” is a laugh-out-loud extravaganza of poetry for children!
Paul’s debut collection of poems for children. ‘The funny thing about the world is that we sometimes don't notice it, Paul poems stop and make you notice it, that's his kind of magic'. Michael Rosen.
A collection of 52 poems from subjects as diverse as a hipster hamster, happy pirates, an avenging badger to how even superheroes need the toilet.
Brian's poetry never fails to capture the imagination of his many readers. This book with have you dancing with glee! These funny and heart-warming feather-brained rhymes about animals, insects, and birds are a real tweet!
A combination of straight-hitting humour and verbal dexterity. It is the well-honed work of a performance poet – crackling with rhythms, raps, rhymes and repetitions that beg to be read aloud and savoured for sound as well as amusing story lines
This is perfect laughing poetry.
Read it and...
Feel the tingle in your toes
The giggle in your grin
The titter in your tummy
The chuckle on your chin.
Live it love it laugh it.
Crack a smile
Be in stitches for a while!
Some people do all their writing in their heads,
some people do all their writing in their beds,
some people don't write at all coz they're dead,
but me, I'm Al, I write in a shed.
Welcome to the writing shed! Step inside and you'll find poems of all sorts, subjects and sizes: acrostics, monologues and conversations, an ode and a haiku, shape poems, action and nursery rhymes; poems about Christmas, school, family, food, football and lots more. There are funny poems, sad poems, strange poems and spooky poems - a whole shed full in fact. So, come on in!
Warning! This book may contain some of the following. . . Men with huge heads! Nervous hamsters! Stoopid people! Free money! Ducks, genies, and crime-solving fish! A voucher for eternal youth! Daft drawings, ridiculous rhymes, and weird creatures! Rubbish clowns, rubbish ghosts, and rubbish in dust bins! The secret to life-long happiness! Hairy things and guitar-playing ferrets! To find out which of these are contained inside, do read this book, do try and enjoy it, but don't put Dave in the microwave!"
My Dad's not a Dog' is an imagination feast, or at least a pretty tasty picnic. Poems, fantasy lyrics and the hidden world of feelings and stray thoughts blend with Mark Spain's hilarious pictures.
Purchase a poetry book.
To purchase any of the books above, directly from the publisher with the money going straight to the writers, please email Trevor via trevor@caboodlebooks.co.uk
Please state which title/s you would like, how many copies, the address you would like it posting to and if you would like it signed. Each book is £5 each plus postage (except for the picture book which is £6 plus postage) from now until the end of February 2021.